Press Releases
Colbert Fossil Plant Illegally Discharging Toxic Coal Ash into Waterways, Conservation Groups Charge
Citing ongoing coal waste contamination at Tennessee Valley Authority’s Colbert Fossil Plant, conservation groups have charged that the facility is violating the Clean Water Act and that failure to address these violations will result in...
Richland County Court Rules Against DHEC, Allowing Coal Ash Lawsuit to Proceed
A Richland County court has ruled that conservation groups represented by the Southern Environmental Law Center may go forward with a lawsuit challenging the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC)’s refusal to...
Southern Environmental Law Center Releases 5th Annual List of Top 10 Endangered Places in the Southeast
The Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC), the largest environmental advocacy organization dedicated to protecting the Southeast, today released its fifth annual list of the top 10 places in the South that face immediate, potentially irreparable,...
Broad Coalition of Groups Applauds General Assembly’s Rejection of Legislation to Lift Virginia’s Ban on Uranium Mining
After a multi-year battle that included intensive industry lobbying, multiple scientific and economic studies, and fierce opposition from a uniquely diverse coalition, a legislative effort to lift Virginia’s longstanding ban on uranium mining has failed.
Asheville Coal Waste Illegally Polluting the French Broad River
Samples taken by French Broad Riverkeeper Hartwell Carson expose ongoing illegal pollution from Progress Energy Carolinas’ Asheville coal-fired power plant, prompting conservation groups today to issue a notice of impending legal action for violations of...
SELC Names Senior Attorney Cale Jaffe as Director of Charlottesville Office
The Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) is pleased to announce that Senior Attorney Cale Jaffe will lead SELC’s future efforts in Virginia as the new director of its Charlottesville office.
Shooters Reported Mistaking Endangered Red Wolves for Coyotes
According to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service records, at least three of the ten endangered red wolves shot and killed in 2012 were reported by the shooters as mistaken for coyotes.
Court Rules that All State Waters Are Protected by Buffers
A state court ruled late yesterday in a case brought by conservation groups that all state waters, including wetlands, are protected under Georgia law by a 25 foot buffer, with the exception of trout...
Groups Challenge Permit Renewal for Yorktown Coal-Fired Power Station Due to Concerns over Discharge
Environmental groups have appealed the renewal of a water pollution discharge permit for the Yorktown Power Station, a coal-fired plant owned and operated by Dominion Virginia Power. According to the claims filed in the suit...
Groups in Court to Stop Groundwater Contamination from Toxic Coal Ash Waste
Conservation groups today went to court in an effort to protect North Carolina communities and groundwater from toxic coal ash contamination at 14 coal-fired power plants across the state.