Press Releases
Support Grows to Maintain Virginia’s Longstanding Uranium Ban
Controversial efforts to lift Virginia’s 30-year ban on uranium mining have met with growing opposition in recent days as leading legislators, municipalities and utilities, and newspapers have taken stances in support of the ban.
Horry County Court Rules Against Santee Cooper, Allowing Coal Ash Lawsuit to Proceed
An Horry County court has ruled that conservation groups represented by the Southern Environmental Law Center may go forward with a lawsuit challenging coal ash contamination at Santee Cooper’s Grainger Generating Station in Conway.
Groups Call on N.C. to Provide Reliable, Long-term Solution after Outer Banks Highway Washed Out Again
Conservation groups today call on Governor-elect Pat McCrory and state legislators to provide a less-exposed, more reliable and permanent solution for Outer Banks residents and tourists that is not dependent on the repeatedly washed out...
Court Upholds South Carolina Rights to Protect the Catawba and Wateree Rivers
The South Carolina Court of Appeals today ruled in favor of conservation groups and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) and against Duke Energy Carolinas as it upheld South Carolina’s right...
Court Upholds Coastal Marsh Protections on Wilmington Island
A state court ruled yesterday that Georgia’s Coastal Marshlands Protection Committee violated the Coastal Marshlands Protection Act when it failed to require a needs assessment justifying a private marina in state marshlands on Wilmington Island,...
New Interactive Web Tool Gives Citizens Detailed Info about South Carolina’s Toxic Coal Ash
Today Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, Appalachian Voices, Southern Environmental Law Center, and NC Conservation Network launched the first-ever comprehensive online tool that allows South Carolinians to find specific information about coal ash impoundments near...
New Interactive Web Tool Gives Citizens Detailed Info about Virginia’s Toxic Coal Ash
Today Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, Appalachian Voices, Southern Environmental Law Center, and NC Conservation Network launched the first-ever comprehensive online tool that allows Virginians to find specific information about coal ash impoundments near them.
New Interactive Web Tool Gives Details About Southeast’s Toxic Coal Ash
The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, Appalachian Voices, Southern Environmental Law Center, and NC Conservation Network today launched the first-ever comprehensive online tool that allows Southerners to find specific information about coal ash impoundments near...
Groups Demand Closer Scrutiny of Proposed $1 Billion Upgrades to Gallatin Coal Plant
In response to costly planned upgrades that would allow the aging Gallatin Coal Plant to keep operating, environmental groups are calling on the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to consider less expensive, cleaner, and more efficient...
Press Statement on Behalf of the Keep The Ban Coalition on Release of the 2012 Uranium Working Group
Today the Governor's internal Uranium Working Group released its report on what regulations in Virginia might look like if the General Assembly votes to repeal the state's longstanding ban on uranium mining.