Taxonomy Archives: South Carolina
Groups Agree: Strong Energy Efficiency Program Ready to Go
Environmental organizations today reached an agreement with Duke Energy Carolinas and North Carolina Utilities Commission Public Staff under which the company agrees to meet an aggressive energy savin...
New Report: Across America, Waters in Crisis
For decades, the Clean Water Act has broadly protected America’s lakes, rivers, streams, and drinking water sources from unregulated pollution and destruction, rescuing them from the dire straits they...
Groups File Suit to Block State Air Pollution Permit for Unneeded Pee Dee Coal Plant
South Carolina’s environmental agency illegally permitted coal-fired power plant.
Wetlands Protection at Stake in Challenge to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
SELC has challenged a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers go-ahead to fill one of the largest remaining intact wetlands in an area near Murrells Inlet, South Carolina.
Duke Energy’s Save-a-Watt Proposal Rejected by South Carolina Utility Regulators
The South Carolina Public Service Commission today rejected Duke Energy Carolinas’ “Save-a-Watt” proposal.
SC Energy Report to Congressional Delegation Fizzles on Solutions
In a meeting with South Carolina's Congressional delegation today, a state committee failed to put forward solutions to increase South Carolina's access to innovative, clean renewable energy and reduc...
Environmental Groups Point the Way to Mercury Pollution
Today, a coalition of public health and environmental groups filed a lawsuit in federal court here, seeking a firm and enforceable new deadline for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to require deep...
Court Orders SCDOT to Answer for $150M Upper Santee Bridge
A federal appeals court refused to dismiss a lawsuit challenging South Carolina Department of Transportation studies endorsing a controversial bridge proposed for the Upper Santee Swamp.
Sprawl, population growth, lack of planning are among factors in Southern drought
Despite the rain from recent hurricanes that has fallen across the Southeast, much of the region remains firmly in the grip of drought conditions
South has much at stake as U.S. Senate begins historic debate on climate change legislation
The U.S. Senate today began much-anticipated debate on the Climate Change Security Act of 2008, also known as the Warner-Lieberman bill. The U.S. has lagged well behind other industrial nations in add...